

作者:北京贝瑞和康生物技术有限公司 2014-02-14T11:13 (访问量:4665)




1. Wang Y, Zhu J, Lu S, Chen B, Zhao X, Wu Y, Han X, Ma D, Liu Z, Cram D, Cheng W. Two cases of placental T21 mosaicism: challenging the detection limits of non-invasive prenatal testing. Prenatal Diagnosis 2013;33:1207-10. IF = 2.683

2. Wang Y, Chen Y, Tian F, Zhang J, Song Z, Wu Y, Han X, Hu W, Ma D, Cram D, Cheng W. Maternal mosaicism is a significant contributor to discordant sex chromosomal aneuploidies associated with noninvasive prenatal testing. Clin Chem 2014; 60:251-9. IF = 7.905

3. Wang L, Wang X, Zhang J, Song Z, Wang S, Gao Y, Wang J, Luo Y, Niu Z, Yue X, Xu G, Cram DS, Yao Y. Detection of chromosomal aneuploidy in human pre-implantation embryos by next generation sequencing. Biology of Reproduction. In press. IF = 4.027

4. Chen C, Cram DS, Xie F, Wang P, Xu X, Li H, Song Z, Chen D, Zhang J, Tang S. A pregnancy with discordant fetal and placental chromosome 18 aneuploidies revealed by non-invasive prenatal diagnosis Reproductive BioMedicine Online. In press. IF = 2.675

5. Wang T, Mao J, Liu M, Choy K, Li H, Cram DS, Li H, Chen Y. A patient with five chromsome rearrangements and a 2q31.1 microdeletion. Clinica Chimica Acta. In press. IF = 2.85

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